Your spirit, whole and complete,
has always been within you and always will be. Shedding those layers that limit your spiritual connection and expression, that dim your light, and make you doubt your greatness, brightness, power and beauty is how you will achieve greater expansion of your spiritual, light being. Spiritual growth does not develop what you do not have, it reveals to you who you already are. Spiritual transformation is the process of realizing, embracing and celebrating your authentic spirit’s existence in all its beautiful perfection, greatest light and truest power.
Extend Beyond the Healing Process – Existential Deepening This is wonderful for helping us develop our insight or self-understanding. It focuses on many of our philosophical contemplations of life, such as choice, purpose, destiny and responsibility.This approach explores the value for our individual existence. This examination of ideas emphasizes “free will,” the ability to make decisions not dictated by heredity or past conditioning, by which an individual can become the person that he or she wants to be. Existential therapy attempts to restore the ‘meaning of life’, as it is to us, on the most intimate level. This is an area of spiritual growth that can stimulate inspiration and courage to make choices that are rewarding and fulfilling. It encourages the philosophy that says we have the power to create because we have the freedom to choose. This technique helps with the feelings of emptiness and loss of meaningfulness in life. We will be able to effectively deal with these feelings and become a free and powerful human being. This work helps us gain the courage to create and lead a personally and spiritually rewarding life. |
Discover Your Purpose & Meaning Feeling a sense of purpose, and striving to see the deeper meaning in one’s life is what empowers the spirit.Purpose lifts us from feelings of limitation, powerlessness, confusion and uncertainty. It grounds our roots deeply into the evolution of our spirit’s journey. We are connected, we participate, we make a difference, we bring our essence to what we see, feel, do and experience. We are never without purpose. Our very existence has purpose. Uniting with and understanding what this means to you will ignite, and forever radiate, the energy of motivation, inspiration and gratitude. The Transformative Healing process provides a strong, supportive guidance to help you explore these deeper areas of your being – your path of life, helping you find your own, unique understanding of your personal relationship with all that exists around and within you. |