Career Fulfillment
Many challenges can arise in a work environment. Conflicts with others around us can negatively affect the ability to enjoy and be productive in our work. Quality of work is affected causing inner turmoil during the hours of work, as well as in the hours following. Another challenge that arises is dealing with those in authority. This can be complicated and we struggle with uncertainties about what the best action or reaction should be.
Conflicts at work can permeate into our home life, relationships, family, parenting, mental and physical health. Knowing how to handle each situation in the work environment can make all the difference. Transformative counseling provides the ability to understand what we are feeling – what deeper thoughts and feelings are being triggered that are preventing us from staying clear and confident and tuned into what is best for us at all times. It is essential to have powerful tools that effectively help develop skills to communicate and respond at work from an empowered, effective and productive place.
So many of us find ourselves “stuck” in jobs we do not want, where we feel unappreciated, unhappy and unfilled. It is difficult for us to believe that our passion and fulfillment can also be our work – that what we most enjoy and feel inspired by, what has meaning and purpose to us can also be our means of employment and income. Many of us are hesitant, even afraid of pursuing work that makes our hearts sing. We question if it is responsible and acceptable.
Financial responsibility and fulfillment in our work are not exclusive to one another. I help you recognize what it is you really want to do – what you are passionate about, the career you would pursue if you knew you could obtain financially security from that work. I help you expand your vision of possibilities and recognize what is truly a representation and expression of your unique identity. Finally, you will discover the potential for creating what you love as your work successfully in your life.